Lowest position of the sun on the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (demonstrates different types of twilight and that above 48° north it does not get fully dark) [OC]
from /r/dataisbeautiful
北半球夏至日的最低位置(展示了不同类型的黄昏,以及北纬48度以上不会完全变黑)[OC] 。
北半球夏至日的最低位置(展示了不同类型的黄昏,以及北纬48度以上不会完全变黑)[OC] 。
Lowest position of the sun on the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (demonstrates different types of twilight and that above 48° north it does not get fully dark) [OC]
from /r/dataisbeautiful