[OC] Number of homeless per 100,000 people and the percent of homeless who are unsheltered. Really shows why homelessness is so much more visible on the west coast.
from /r/dataisbeautiful
[OC] 每10万人中无家可归者的数量,以及无家可归者的百分比。真正显示了为什么无家可归者在西海岸如此明显。
[OC] 每10万人中无家可归者的数量,以及无家可归者的百分比。真正显示了为什么无家可归者在西海岸如此明显。
[OC] Number of homeless per 100,000 people and the percent of homeless who are unsheltered. Really shows why homelessness is so much more visible on the west coast.
from /r/dataisbeautiful