[OC] George is getting upset! Applying sentiment analysis to George's lines in Seinfeld to identify what percentage of each episode he spends being upset
from /r/dataisbeautiful
[OC]喬治開始不高興了! 對《宋飛傳》中喬治的臺詞進行情感分析,以確定他在每一集花了多少百分比的時間來生氣
[OC]喬治開始不高興了! 對《宋飛傳》中喬治的臺詞進行情感分析,以確定他在每一集花了多少百分比的時間來生氣
[OC] George is getting upset! Applying sentiment analysis to George's lines in Seinfeld to identify what percentage of each episode he spends being upset
from /r/dataisbeautiful