Buzzing on Data

Cigarette tax per pack across the US and the EU. This is only the so-called "Excessive Tax" which is supposed to discourage the behavior of consumers. This does not include EU VAT nor US Sales Tax. 2019-2021 data đŸ‡ē🇸đŸ‡ĒđŸ‡ēđŸ—ēī¸ [OC]
Cigarette tax per pack across the US and the EU. This is only the so-called "Excessive Tax" which is supposed to discourage the behavior of consumers. This does not include EU VAT nor US Sales Tax. 2019-2021 data đŸ‡ē🇸đŸ‡ĒđŸ‡ēđŸ—ēī¸ [OC]
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